Interior of The Museum of Wola in Warsaw


The Museum of Wola in Warsaw is a small, Neo-Renaissance palace, standing out from the surrounding tall buildings of the “Srebrna” housing estate. It was built around 1880 for a well-known Warsaw sculptor-stonemason, Aleksander Sikorski.
As the designers say, this place creates a sort of laboratory of Warsaw, which not only tells the city’s history, but also addresses the issues related to the identity and future of the capital in the context of urban development in Europe and the world.

Our works on the reconstruction of the facility took place in two stages. The first stage involved the works outside the building – the information concerning these works can be found here >>.

The second stage concerned the modernization of the interior, which ultimately retained its museum function. Some of the rooms required renovation, the others – total reconstruction, i.e. the northern part of the cellars, where there are technical service rooms and an office and administration complex. The eastern part of the cellars has been adapted to serve as a reading room and library with an educational room. We have also rebuilt the exhibition halls, sanitary and hygienic rooms, social facilities for employees as well as the attic and part of the cellars.

We invite you to visit the museum interior!


We put our heart in stone.