IV Katyń Cemetery in Bykownia


Polish War Cemetery at Bykivnia with the area of 7,000 m2 is one of the four”Katyń” necropolis, together with Katyn, Kharkiv and Mednoye. It is a burial site of almost 3,500 Polish victims, murdered by the Soviet secret police (NKVD) in Ukraine in 1940.

Our company, in a consortium with Unibep S.A., has had the honor to participate in the construction of this place, so important for Poland and its history. On the main square, an altar wall was placed, on which a raised relief was sandblasted – over 160,000 letters that make up the names of the victims. In front of the wall, a big monolithic altar was placed. The altar wall is composed of 10 blocks with a height of 4.5 m and the base of 1.2×0.4 m and its total weight is 80 tons.

Masonry works, apart from the altar wall and the altar itself included the execution: pylons with the emblem of the Republic of Poland and Polish military eagle at the entrance. Additionally, in the focal point of the cemetery, an obelisk with various religious symbols, Latin and Orthodox cross, Star of David and Crescent, were placed, emphasizing the multi-faith nature of the Second Polish Republic.

All the above mentioned elements have been made of Scandinavian Kuru Grey granite.


The works have also included the execution of the pavement, stone curbs, lighting of pedestrian passageways and a peripheral footpath, with a set of granite plates with the names of the murdered Poles all along the way.

All the works have been executed on the basis of a design prepared by Moderau Art and Air Project.

Actions of the Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites and the involvement of Polish authorities have caused that this special place has been duly honored and it can serve perpetuating the shared history of Polish and Ukrainian nations to the next generation.

We put our heart in stone.
160 thousand letters

On the main square, an altar wall was created, on which over 160,000 letters were sandblasted in a form of a convex lettering relief that make up the names of the victims.


Stone works, apart from the altar wall and the altar itself included the execution: pylons with the emblem of the Republic of Poland and Polish military eagle.

communication routes

Works at the cemetery also included the execution of: surface structure, stone edging, lighting of pedestrian communication routes and a perimeter path.