The execution of works on the Polish War Cemetery in Monte Cassino prioe to the ceremony of the 65th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino. The scope of works:
execution of a comprehensive renovation and maintenance of relief of the eagle,
execution of renovation and maintenance of the tombstones of General Władysław Anders, Archbishop Józef Feliks Gawlina, Major General Bronisław Bolesław Duch,
execution of a renovation and maintenance of the cross on the central square,
cleaning – by grinding or chemically with the protections – of the central square, retaining walls around the central square and the entrance stairs,
execution of the supplementary drainage and declogging of the existing drainage of the central square,
arrangement of greenery along the access route to the cemetery and around the eagle relief,
repair and maintenance of wall covers with execution of slopes,
repair and maintenance of individual crosses.