The Indian Ambassador's Residence at. Al. Róż

Warsaw – POLAND

The Indian Ambassador’s Residence on Al. Róż in Warsaw is a beautiful two-story villa with an Italian-style garage. It was built in 1877 using traditional technology. After the war the building was rebuilt in an altered form with a transformed eastern part. The two buildings are connected by a decorative arch that serves as a gate and passage to the back.

Main purpose of our work was to repair and renovate the building’s exterior and interior.


The villa’s facade has many historical details, which we’ve thoroughly cleaned and removed any defects. We restored some of the stucco, and properly protected all the elements. The color scheme of the façade was selected in cooperation with a conservator, in order to recreate as accurately as possible the original colors of the building, which over the years have been covered with successive layers of paint.

We’ve thoroughly repaired the terraces, balcony and entrance stairs, as they had many cracks and damages. Not only we have dismantled the old paving, but also reinforced the structure and recreated the original floors. Based on the original designs, we’ve restored the door and window woodwork. We have thoroughly cleaned the entrance doors to the villa and the gate to the outbuilding and reconstructed their top layers.

Since the building has a partially usable attic, we’ve completely replaced the roofing along with the roof trusses on the outbuilding. We have also renovated all the elements on the roof.

Inside, we’ve performed a comprehensive renovation of the premises. We have also installed a whole new air conditioning system in the building.


The grounds on which the villa is located also required our attention. To the west, the building is surrounded by a garden, while it is separated from the Al. Róż by an ornamental fence on a foundation along with a row of tall thuje bushes. We not only carried out a thorough renovation of the fence, but also replaced the paved surface of the property, located on the north side of the building with basalt and granite pavers.

The property now looks magnificent and can once again fulfill its representative function as the residence of the Indian Ambassador.  


We put our heart into the stone.